Photo Gallery
See a
picture gallery of what happened in ESEC/FSE 2003!
Here are also some photos of Helsinki. Click a picture to see a larger
version (about 640x480 pixels, 50-125 KB). Alternatively, you can enter
a slideshow,
which rotates the pictures automatically every five seconds.
Photos courtesy of Petri Kutvonen, Antti Viljamaa,
Jukka Viljamaa, and Rauli Verkamo.

Panorama of Helsinki

Marina Congress Center
(Main Location of
ESEC/FSE 2003)

Marina is Nicely Located
in Katajanokka

View to the Center

City Hall

Helsinki Cathedral

Sederholm's House

Tieteiden talo
(Workshops and

Entrance to
Tieteiden talo

Boats around the Corner
from Tieteiden talo

More Boats

Sea View

The House of Estates

Restaurant 'Kanavaranta'

Uspensky Cathedral

Canal View

Steamboat to Porvoo

Huge Ships to
Stockholm and Tallinn

Boats to Islands
from Market Square

Souvenirs from
Market Square

Market Square


Havis Amanda Statue

Havis Amanda and Esplanade


Restaurant 'Kappeli'

Park Concert

Water Everywhere

Street Music


Stockmann Department Store

Cup of Coffee


Railway Station

Taking It Easy

Flea Market


Modern Architecture
in Ruoholahti

Töölönlahti Bay

Finlandia Hall

Boats and Icebreakers
