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The ESEC/FSE 2003 workshops will be held at Tieteiden talo (the House
of Sciences) on September 1-2, 2003. Tieteiden talo is
in the center of Helsinki,
only 10 minutes walk from Marina Congress Center, the main
location of the conference.
The three ESEC/FSE 2003 workshops are:
W1 is a one-day workshop. W2 and W3 last for two days. In addition to these ESEC/FSE workshops,
there are two co-located workshops:
organized in Helsinki at the same time. W4 and W5 are two-day workshops.
Below you'll find the workshop abstracts and
links to the workshop web sites that contain more information
on the program of each workshop. For all information on the co-located
workshops, please visit their own web sites.
Web site:
Date: September 1, 2003 (see the program overview)
Place: Helsinki, Finland
The increasing complexity of software systems and a number of recent advances in the field of computational intelligence (CI) have been providing a fruitful integration between software engineering (SE) and intelligent technologies. This is particularly true in the following CI areas: model checking, fuzzy logic and abductive reasoning, uncertainty management and belief based reasoning, artificial neural networks and machine learning, genetic and evolutionary computing, case-based reasoning; and the following SE areas: requirements analysis and evolution, traceability, multiple viewpoints, inconsistency management, human-computer interaction design, software risk assessment and software verification. The Workshop on Intelligent Technologies for Software Engineering is intended to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of a wide range of topics related to the applicability of new intelligent technologies to software engineering problems. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from academia and industry, and practitioners working in the areas of computational intelligence and software engineering to discuss existing issues, recent developments, applications, experience reports, and software tools of intelligent technologies in all aspects of software engineering.
Web site:
Date: September 1-2, 2003 (see the program overview)
Place: Helsinki, Finland
The SAVCBS workshop is concerned with using formal (i.e. mathematical) techniques to establish a suitable foundation for the specification and verification of component-based systems. Component-based systems are a growing concern for the software engineering community. Specification and reasoning techniques are urgently needed to permit composition of systems from components. Component-based specification and verification is also vital for scaling advanced verification techniques such as extended static analysis and model checking to the size of real systems. The workshop will consider formalization of both functional and non-functional behavior, such as performance or reliability.
We wish to bring together researchers and practitioners in the areas of component-based software and formal methods to address the open problems in modular specification and verification of systems composed from components. We are interested in bridging the gap between principles and practice. The intent is to help form a community-oriented understanding of the relevant research problems and help steer formal methods research towards addressing issues in the practice of component-based systems, including concurrency, mechanization and scalability, performance (time and space), reusability, and understandability. The participants will brainstorm about these and related topics to understand both the problems involved and how formal techniques may be useful in solving them.
Web site:
Date: September 1-2, 2003 (see the program overview)
Place: Helsinki, Finland
Many problems in the development of (embedded) systems are currently caused by strongly decoupled development activities. The variety of activities as well as the missing interoperability of commercial off the shelf (COTS) tools still discourage co-operation within development teams. It is well-known that this separation causes high development costs due to long feedback cycles and investments bound by tool-related development results. As one part of the solution, system development must be supported by building better integrated tool suites from COTS tools offered by different vendors. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and tool integration mechanisms invented for that purpose have been a "hot" research topic for more than 15 years now. Building IDEs from COTS tools using established IDE integration technologies (like broadcast message query servers, data repositories etc.) is nevertheless still a rather challenging task. Rather recently, a new generation of technologies and frameworks have been evolved which are mostly used for rather different purposes such as the integration of web services. These new technologies may nevertheless also be useful to configure flexible and extensible configuration of COTS tools into tightly integrated system development environments. The workshop shall bring together researchers and system developers as well as designers and users of these new tool integration technologies to set up a common platform for presentation and discussion of ongoing work in this area. Participants are expected to present their recently made experiences in building integrated tool suites based on using frameworks like ECLIPSE, middleware services such as SOAP, meta-model based approaches like MIV, ... and to set up a research agenda for still missing integration concepts and platforms.
