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The deadline for technical paper submissions has passed!
Electronic submission:
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Call for Tutorials available!
There is also a
Call for Workshops available!
Call for Papers
9th European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC)
11th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium
on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-11)
1 - 5 September 2003
Helsinki, Finland
ESEC/FSE 2003 will bring together researchers and practitioners of
software engineering to report new innovative research results and
exchange experiences related to both traditional and emerging areas in
software development. In addition to the technical program, ESEC/FSE
2003 will include a program of tutorials and workshops on current hot
topics in software engineering.
We invite submission of technical papers that report results of
theoretical, empirical, and experimental work, as well as experience
with technology transition.
Topics of interest. We encourage submissions in any field of software
engineering, including, but not limited to:
- Software Process and Workflow
- Requirements Engineering
- Design
- Software Architectures, Patterns, and Frameworks
- Specification and Verification
- Testing and Test Tools
- Software Analysis and Model Checking
- Maintenance, Evolution, Re-/Reverse Engineering
- Software Engineering Tools and Environments
- Software Configuration Management
- Component-Based Software Engineering
- Software Reliability Engineering
- Generic Programming and Software Reuse
- Safety and Security
- Software Metrics
- Interface Technologies
- Distributed / Web-Based / Internet-Scale Software Engineering
Submission. Paper submissions will be made electronically via the
Web. The CyberChair service is already up an running at
Both an abstract and the full paper must be
submitted together by the submission deadline. People without Web access
must make advance arrangements with the Program Chair by email at least
one week before the submission deadline. Papers must not exceed ten (10)
8.5"x11" single spaced pages using a 10-point or larger font. Accepted
papers must be in the ACM proceedings format and must be accompanied by
a signed ACM copyright release form.
Evaluation. Paper submissions will be reviewed by the program committee
for originality, significance, soundness, and quality of presentation.
Papers must clearly present an original contribution to the
state-of-the-art. Experience papers are welcome, but they must clearly
present general lessons learned that would be of interest and benefit to
a broad audience of both researchers and practitioners. Papers must
describe work that has not been submitted to or presented at another forum.
Important dates (firm deadlines):
- Paper Submissions: March 14, 2003
- Workshop Proposals: February 28, 2003
- Tutorial Proposals: March 15, 2003
- Doctoral Symposium Submissions: June 2, 2003
- Tutorials and Workshops: September 1 - 2, 2003
- Conference: September 3 - 5, 2003
General Chair:
Jukka Paakki,
University of Helsinki,
e-mail: 'jukka paakki@cs helsinki fi' (replace spaces with dots)
Program Chair:
Paola Inverardi,
University of L'Aquila,
e-mail: 'inverard@univaq it' (replace spaces with dots)
Program Committee:
Israel Ben-Shaul, Israel
Antonia Bertolino, Italy
Lionel Briand, Canada
Shing-Chi Cheung, Hong Kong
Ivica Crnkovic, Sweden
Jacky Estublier, France
Istvan Forgacs, Hungary
David Garlan, USA
Carlo Ghezzi, Italy
Klaus Havelund, USA
George T. Heineman, USA
Constance L. Heitmeyer, USA
Valerie Issarny, France
Jens H. Jahnke, Canada
Mehdi Jazayeri, Austria
Kai Koskimies, Finland
Jeff Magee, UK
Carlo Montangero, Italy
David Notkin, USA
Bashar Nuseibeh, UK
Barbara Paech, Germany
Debra Richardson, USA
Motoshi Saeki, Japan
Clemens A. Szyperski, USA
Richard N. Taylor, USA
Hans van Vliet, The Netherlands
Michel Wermelinger, Portugal
Alexander L. Wolf, USA
Andreas Zeller, Germany
Workshop Chairs:
Cecilia Mascolo,
University College London,
e-mail: 'c mascolo@cs ucl ac uk' (replace spaces with dots)
André van der Hoek,
University of California, Irvine,
e-mail: 'andre@ics uci edu' (replace spaces with dots)
Tutorial Chairs:
Paolo Ciancarini,
University of Bologna,
e-mail: 'ciancarini@cs unibo it' (replace spaces with dots)
Nenad Medvidovic,
University of Southern California,
e-mail: 'neno@usc edu' (replace spaces with dots)
Doctoral Symposium Chair:
Betty H.C. Cheng,
Michigan State University,
e-mail: 'chengb@cse msu edu' (replace spaces with dots)
Finance Chair:
Juha Taina,
University of Helsinki,
e-mail: 'juha taina@cs helsinki fi' (replace spaces with dots)
Publicity Chair:
Inkeri Verkamo,
University of Helsinki,
e-mail: 'inkeri verkamo@cs helsinki fi' (replace spaces with dots)
Sponsored by: ACM SIGSOFT,
Council of European Professional Informatics Societies,
The Finnish Information Processing Association (Tietotekniikan Liitto)
Supported by: The City of Helsinki, Nokia Corporation
